Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Running After the Wagon

Well, the training week started with a whimper and not a bang. Some weeks are like that, I suppose. :)

I'll admit it: I didn't train last night because I was simply too tired, and instead of pushing through the exhaustion like I normally do, I gave in and went home. But all is well -- I just used up one rest day, that's all, so I can hop back on the wagon tonight if I wish. Or I can take both rest days in a row and then train like mad for the rest of the week. We'll see whether the temperatures will behave enough for a run tonight.

Speaking of running, I just don't know what my problem is. Actually, I do: I've never been a runner -- it just doesn't come easily to me -- and so the running part of my tri training is always the part where I drag my feet. I just can't find the motivation to run the way I can to bike, say, or hop in the pool for a long swim. I guess I just don't feel like I ever get my legs under me. But all that is gonna change.

Starting this week, I'm going to start desensitizing myself to the run by running every chance I get, even on the days when I'm not scheduled to do so. If I'm ever going to feel comfortable out there -- or in the gym, as the case may be now that it's getting colder -- I'm going to have to work at it. It's as simple as that.

So boo on me for not biking last night. I honestly don't know what I'll do about tonight yet, since I've got to go to the cat shelter and then bake a couple of early Thanksgiving pies. :) But I owe it to myself to at least put on the running shoes tonight, even if I can't take the cold for long. I mean, I'm only scheduled to do 21 minutes, anyway. I can do that!



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