Monday, October 22, 2007

The Modified Galloway Plan (Or, How I Will Survive My Marathon).

All right. So on Sunday I do 26.2 miles. And here is the plan for doing so.

Mile 1: I will get started with a full mile of running -- up to two if I'm feeling good. Then I will walk 0.2 miles.

Miles 2-13.1: I will run half a mile, then walk two-tenths. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Miles 13.1-20: I will do my best to maintain the "run half, walk two-tenths" plan. If I have to, I will drop to running four-tenths and walking two-tenths as I get closer to the 20-mile mark.

Miles 20-26: I'll evaluate how I'm feeling and restructure my run-walk as needed. If I need to run a block, walk a block, I'm fine with doing that, though I'll do my best to power through to maintain my running pace for as long as possible.

That said, at this point in the race I will have no fear of walking for longer distances if need be.

Mile 26-26.2: I will summit that last hill and cross the finish line upright, with a smile on my face.

And that's a fact, Jack.



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