Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Looking Forward

Well, both rest days are gone for the week. Which means I have to get on the wagon tonight if I'm planning on eating copious amounts of Tofurkey and casseroles and salads and sauces tomorrow. And the next day. And then pizza and beer for the FSU/UF game ...

Shoot. I'd better stop typing this very MOMENT and get myself on the bike. Or the road. Or the track. Or in the pool. :)

But I won't, at least right now. Instead, I'll continue on with this post, finish up a day's worth of work, and then hit the bike in the gym downstairs. Tonight will be a 42-minute ride, the short ride of the week. The rest of the week goes as follows:

Wednesday: Short ride (42 minutes)
Thursday (yes, on Thanksgiving!): Long ride (70 minutes)
Friday: Short run (21 minutes), weights
Saturday: Long run (35 minutes)
Sunday: Swim (56 minutes)

... and that will be that. I suspect I'll have to do at least one run indoors, as there'll be bad weather here and I'm a little nervous about running in near-freezing weather -- a friend of mine slipped on black ice a few years ago and shattered her ankle, and just hearing her stories has made me squeamish. I've never really run on a treadmill before, so we'll see how that goes. I may just do endless laps around the tiny track at the YMCA instead. We shall see.

So there's today's update. Maybe my next update will actually involve exercise! :) Stay tuned!



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