Friday, February 09, 2007

So Much for Immunity.

Well, this week has been less-than-stellar in the training department. I've felt ill for half a week -- the other half I've spent training -- and so still have two bike rides and a swim to get in. In two days. So something will have to go -- probably the long ride, since it's much too cold and icy to ride outside anyway, and I don't feel like spending an hour and a half on the stationary. (Is that so wrong?)

But the good news is, I'm on the mend. I really do feel better -- a little stuffy in the head, and a soreish throat in the morning, but other than that no big whoop. So tomorrow it's back into training. Sunday, too. And then on into the next week.

I'm getting ready to put my schedule together for next week, speaking of. I think this time around I'll be more specific about WHEN in the day I'll be training -- it will help me mentally plan for it. We'll see how it goes!

Have a good weekend, all.



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