Thursday, January 25, 2007


Why can't I lose weight?

Ah, yes, that question o' the ages. But it's been applicable to me lately -- and by "lately" I mean over the last few years -- and as I watch my husband drop pound after pound, the scale ticking down time and again, I'm getting pretty ticked off.

I work out regularly, burning 1500+ calories a week in training. I've made a concerted effort to monitor my calorie intake and have been adhering to a 2000-calorie-max diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, very little cheese and dairy, and good solid vegetarian protein in between. I don't know what else to do, frankly. I'm working so hard and not seeing much -- if any -- result on the scale. I can SEE that my abs are getting tighter and that my calves and thighs are shaping up nicely, but I see no results on the scale. It's frustrating.

I know I shouldn't get caught up in the numbers game. Really. But you'd think after ramping up my exercise week after week, I'd see some numerical, quantitative results!! And the fact that my darling husband is losing pounds like nobody's business adds insult to injury. ;)

Anyway, I'll keep working on it. I'm bound to see results sometime. Right?




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