Thursday, December 28, 2006


So. Fat.

Now, I haven't gotten on the scale to test said fatness, but after all the eating I've done over the last week, I feel so huge. And tired. And lazy, too, since I did only one run while in Georgia and nothing since.

Today marks the first day of Eating Well again -- not to be confused with Good Eating, which is what I did all weekend and which, I'm afraid, has gotten me into this fix to begin with. The Good Eating plan took me down the road of pizza, casseroles, stuffing, gravy, Tofurky, wine, coffee with cream, wine, biscuits, soy sausage, eggs, grits, pumpkin pie, Cool Whip, wine, and more.

Wow. Did I really eat all of that this weekend? I'm so ashamed. :)

And, to top it all off, I'm sore. Like, shin-splitting, knee-aching sore. I'm sure it comes down to not stretching properly before and after my last run, as well as my not getting enough rest all week and subscribing to the Good Eating plan. I've got a nice long bike ride scheduled for this weekend, which ought to soften the blow a little bit and get me back on the wagon.

Meantime, I've got to start Eating Well again. Boo and hiss.

For lunch today, I'll have a salad, I think, or a sandwich from Subway. With baked chips, if I decide I need some. Tonight, I'll propose sushi for dinner and see how that goes over. Sans the sake.

Sushi, sans sake?! Oh, nobody knows the troubles I've seen!



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