Thursday, December 21, 2006

I Like Ike.

So, Ike and I went on another ride this morning and had a fine time. I'm much more comfortable with the brakes now, and getting off the bike at a stoplight has become easier. You know, it helps to lean forward off the seat first before trying to dismount. I'm just now learning these things. :)

It was a great ride around Old Town this morning. It really is nice to watch the world wake up. I've always felt that way about running, too. It's neat to watch the kids in their neat and tidy uniforms, heading into the Catholic school down the street; to watch a flock of geese take flight off the Potomac; to watch all the dogs walking their owners along the sidewalk.

I could do without the school buses that give me about two inches' worth of clearance at a stoplight, but we've all got our burdens to bear.

Anyway, I will rue the day when the ground is too icy to spend my mornings with Ike, but for now I'll enjoy our wintry jaunts together, zooming down the city streets. Who knows? Maybe he'll even be able to get me up earlier in the mornings, even on these dark December days.



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