Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A New Bike!

Boy, I feel about as giddy as I did when I came out into the family room on my 6th birthday, only to find a new purple Pirhana bicycle perched in the middle of the floor. I reacted no differently when, a week or so ago, I came home to find a large cardboard box sitting against the china cabinet, with the wordsBICYCLE: THIS SIDE UP emblazoned on the side. I guess no matter what your age, a new bike is exciting stuff.

Granted, it's not an expensive bike. It's not top-of-the-line. But I love it -- probably more so, in fact, because it doesn't possess the aforementioned characteristics. It's a sturdy little road bike that bears the brand of a company my family has always had a deep relationship with: General Motors. (Who knew GM made bicycles, anyway?)

And so begins a new chapter in my tri training. With winter -- and therefore ice -- on its way in the next month or so, I don't expect to abandon the stationary bike any time soon; but having a new, mobile bicycle to play around with is a big step up. I can't wait to take it on the road and put it through its paces! Nor can I wait to learn how to ride a road bike. ;) There's that.

And speaking of the stationary variety, I did my short ride last night -- 46 minutes. I'm logging 16 miles at about the 45-minute mark, which is something I want to improve upon before the tri in the spring. If I can get that winnowed down to 42 minutes, I'll be a very happy woman. Stay tuned!



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