One Mile! One Mile! One Mile!
Well, I think the title says it all, really.
Today, this very morning, for the first time EVER, I ran one mile without stopping. Even as a kid, when all the other children were taking the Presidential Fitness Program seriously and running their little legs off around the orange cones on the soccer field, I slowed my gait to a walk to hit a personal best of 20 minutes per mile. ;) So this little feat is a big deal today.
And do you know what? It was actually pretty easy.
I worked hard at pacing myself -- a 10-minute-mile pace -- and it really paid off. I know 10 minutes isn't exactly the speediest mile on the planet, but it worked for me. Speed will come later. Or maybe it won't. It's the endurance I'm after, anyway. If I can run from here to China, I don't particularly care about the time it takes.
So tomorrow I'll be back at it for another mile. Then next week I'll do a mile and a half. I can see success now, really bask in how it feels. I can taste victory -- not against others, but within myself. It's wonderful. Truly wonderful.
Have a great day, y'all.
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