Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Dude. It's Cold Outside.

So, this morning I did my 23-minute short run in the below-freezing temperatures of a Virginia winter. It was probably the coldest morning I've ever trained in -- for any sport, ever. But do you know it wasn't so bad? I mean, my trachea wanted to close up and so forth, but not nearly as badly as the last time I tried such a stunt (about a month ago during the first cold snap).

Of course, today I was more bundled up than the last time I ran in the freezing cold. I don't know whether that has much to do with my better ability to breathe this time around, but I was certainly more comfortable. I tried out my new running pants, which I like quite a lot! They kept me warm and wicked away the sweat. I topped it off with a big bulky sweatshirt and my new wool hat. :) Nothing says class like a wool hat, no?

I decided to take a rest day yesterday because, well, I just needed one. So the rest of the week will be a training frenzy. OK, perhaps not a "frenzy." But consistent, at least. So, I've tweaked my schedule a little bit to reflect the changing times. ;)

The schedule as follows:

Wednesday: Short run (23 minutes)
Thursday: Swim (62 minutes)
Friday: Practice short run (21 minutes)
Saturday: Long run (39 minutes)
Sunday: Long bike (77 minutes)

... and that's that. So easy! So athletic!



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