Friday, January 05, 2007

A Rainy Day.

I woke up this morning, saw the rain, and knew there was no reason to wake up Ike for a short ride. No sense in slipping and sliding through the streets of Old Town. Plus, I had a headache. And a backache. And one of my shins has been bothering me.

It's been one of those weeks, I'm afraid. At least training-wise. The rest of my life has been moving along with minimal bumps (to make up, I guess, for last week, when everything above was reversed. ;))

At least I've gotten some training in this week. In fact, miraculously, I'm right on schedule. Even though my days have gotten all switched around.

On Sunday, I did a long bike ride. On Monday, I rested. On Tuesday, I did a 46-minute bike ride and ran for 35 minutes at the gym, after which time I lifted weights (and am feeling the effects, I can assure you!). Tomorrow, I'll go on a long bike ride. Sunday, I'll do a long run and more weights. The only thing I'm missing this week is the swim. What else is new? ;)

So even though I feel like I've been lazy this week, I guess it's all for a good cause. Pain in the head and the throat have made me wimp out on several occasions over the last five days. Today is the Last Day of Wimpiness. Tomorrow, it's back to becoming the Ironman (er, -Woman) I want to become.

Have a good weekend, y'all!



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