Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fat Albert and Other Columbia Hills.

Well, this morning Denise and I met at the ripe old time of 8 a.m. to bike the hills of the Iron Girl Columbia course. And you know what?

It wasn't so bad.

Now, I say this as I sit here on my sofa, hours after the deed was done, belly full of lunch and coffee and legs propped up on the coffee table. But even in the heat of the moment, even when I was breathing so heavily and pedalling so slowly that I thought I would just topple over, I knew it would be OK.

This is a good sign. If we finished the full course today -- Fat Albert and all -- then with a little more practice, we'll be REALLY good come race day.

So I'm going to bike it again next weekend. I hope Denise will be able to come too (haven't asked her yet). The hills were solid, but they weren't killer. By race day, we'll be able to handle them with aplomb.



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