Sunday, July 01, 2007

Marathon Training: Week One.

Well, the first week of my new training responsibilities has come to a close with an eight-mile run this morning (I switched my long bike to yesterday's slot). And I've gotta say, I think I did pretty well keeping it all intact.

The only workout I missed was Part Two of my two-a-day -- a short bike. Now, in anticipation of Iron Girl in August, I need all the hill work I can get, so I'm going to make a point of not missing the short bike next week. But I did all four of my runs, my new swim workout (which is a killer, but I love it), the long bike, and two weightlifting sessions. This week I'll re-integrate my short bike and even try for an extra swim practice. If I need to jettison something, it'll be the latter, but by next week I want to make that part of my routine. So why not start now? :)

In other health-related news, I've lost a pound! This is something I'd pretty much given up on, since for a long time it seemed that no matter what I did I stayed at the same old tired weight. But to see the new scale reading this week really buoyed my spirits. I'm not training to lose weight, but it's a nice side effect. :)

So that's the Week One review. I rewarded myself yesterday with a new running outfit and a Super Mario Bros. hat. ;) Life is good.

Have a good week, everybody!



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