Tuesday, May 06, 2008



It's such a small word, but such a hard one to hear. Especially if you have a slight stubborn streak that courses through your veins with ever-growing ferocity each time you encounter that awful little waif of a word.


That's what my doctor told me this morning, following an EKG (normal) and an oxygen-level test (normal) and a breathing test (not so much). The diagnosis: My asthma has flared up with startling severity, and it is not to be messed with.

That's when she said it, that word I hate to hear. Worst of all, she said it in combination with other words, phrases that by themselves I love to hear.

No training until this clears up, she said airly over her shoulder as she prepared to leave the room at the end of our visit. It was the first time I'd heard her utter the word. Even during my bout with bronchitis, the advice was to do what I felt like but to take it easy. "Take it easy" does not equal cessation.

"But what if I'm better soon? But what if I'm fine by the weekend?" I stammered, already plotting my escape.

The doc shrugged. "When you're better, you can exercise again." She studied my face. "But you have to do so lightly until you come see me again."

That appointment is in two weeks. It cannot come fast enough.

So, meanwhile, I sit and stew. In the grand scheme, this is a mere speedbump on the road of life. But today it has put me in a foul humor. So I shall now purchase myself a present. No one can say no to that. Except for the bank, and they wouldn't dare.



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