Monday, May 05, 2008


I am not pleased.

Denise and I went to Columbia this weekend to ride the course -- something I've been training for and working on for months now. This was to be just a survey ride, nothing too strenuous, just a way for us to get our legs used to the course itself. I've been looking forward to it for two weeks now, excited to put my training into practice.


The course is 25 miles long. Denise and I rode 10 before driving back to Alexandria in a fit of depression and angst.

As we sat on the side of a hill, watching other riders fly by as though they were summiting a speed bump, we could only say one word in their direction:


I don't know what to do. I have been training for this season for four months, but something is wrong. Going up those hills -- challenging hills, to be sure, but certainly not out of the question for my usual level of fitness -- I felt as though I could not get a decent breath, and something in the back of my throat kept going "Wub-wub-wub-wub-wub" every time I inhaled. (This is not normal behavior.) My leggies felt great; my heart, while beating quite enthusiastically, was not off the charts. But my lungs felt like they were made of concrete.

I've had this issue for about a week now, and frankly I have had enough. I get sick twice a year, max, and this is the third bout I've had this spring with Something (first the flu, then bronchitis in short order, and now this). I don't get it, don't know what's wrong ... but I want it fixed. Now.

So meanwhile I am in a foul mood regarding my training. I feel like I'm in the best shape I've been in as an adult, and this is how my body thanks me. I want to feel better, to train in my usual manner. I don't want to be sidelined again.

I've made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow morning. This is not natural. This is not normal. I hope she can fix me up in short order so I can get back out there on the course. I don't have the time for the pain.



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