Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Marathon Training: Week Four.

Well, this update is a little tardy. That's because I feel sort of dismayed by last week's marathon training. When I feel like I've missed a goal, I'm not in a real chest-pounding mood. You know?

Anyway, the damage is thusly: I missed my long run. I woke up Saturday morning ready to hit the trail early, but was greeted instead by a migraine that stayed with me all the day long. The thought of pounding the pavement for 11 miles did not sit well with my pounding cranium. And so I took a day off. I feel badly about that.

I did, however, get in the rest of my runs, as well as a ride to Mount Vernon and back to get some hill work in. And I lifted weights both of my scheduled days. And I boosted my swim training program, which is currently kicking me all across the Eastern Seaboard. Which is why I like it. :)

So I suppose I don't have quite as much to feel bad about as I thought I did. That's not a cop-out -- I should've done that long run, sometime, some way -- but in looking at my goals missed versus goals achieved, I see I'm in pretty good shape. I'll just make sure to boost the long runs from here. And no more Cracker Jacks, since I think that's what sparked the migraine in the first place. We must make such sacrifices in the name of good health and superior fitness.




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