Sunday, July 15, 2007

Marathon Training: Week Three.

Well, hello.

So, this week of training has been quite eventful and, to my mind, successful. There were the usual pitfalls -- I did only one bike and one swim instead of two each -- but the benefits of the rest of my routine made up for that.

This week, I ran four days, swam once, lifted weights twice, and biked once. The bike was very important to me -- as you'll read in yesterday's post, I proved to myself that I can indeed make it through the Iron Girl course. And as far as I'm concerned, it tackled both the endurance bike and the hillwork bike all in one swoop. So I'm not worried about losing the second bike day last week. I gained a ton of experience in return.

Today was my final run of the week -- the six-miler to complete my rest week. Next week I'm looking forward to tackling an 11-miler as well as my maintenance runs. Also, I'm integrating a new swim workout this week that will help me get up to swimming 1K without stopping. I feel like the physical side is there already, but the confidence could use some bolstering. :) So I shall bolster.

And then there's the weightlifting and the biking of the Columbia course again. And maybe, just maybe, even a little bit of rest. ;) We shall see.

Have a great week, y'all!



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