Thursday, March 15, 2007

Put It All Together and What Do You Get?

Sore muscles. ;)

Last night I biked for an hour and then ran for a mile or so, and let me tell you something. These triathlons don't play. One sport all by its lonesome? Fine and dandy. But putting these sports together? This is gonna be a party. ;)

Anyway, my muscles are sore, which is a good thing, and I'm feeling excited about the tri rather than scared. Though my nerves will kick back up around the first of the week, I'm sure!

I know I say "My goal is just to finish," but deep down I want more than that. Deep down I want to finish in at least the middle of the pack. So I may as well go ahead and admit it. ;) Realistically, I'm not sure that's possible -- I don't know WHO I'll be up against, and I don't know how fast I'll be come race day. I do know, though, that adrenaline does funny things to the body, and that I am prepared to finish the race in good standing, even if I'm not in the winner's circle. :) And afterward, I will be a triathlete.

A triathlete. That has a nice ring to it. It makes all the sore muscles and early pool workouts and late bike rides worth it. And I really do feel that I can accomplish it.

In two weeks, friends, I'll be a triathlete, God willing. I've just got to taper down and then give it my all on race day. I can assure you I'll do my very best.



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