Monday, February 26, 2007

This Week's Schedule.

Monday evening: Short run (21 minutes), weights.
Tuesday: Rest day!
Wednesday evening: Long run (35 minutes), weights.
Thursday evening: Short bike (42 minutes).
Friday morning: Swim (60 minutes).
Saturday: Long bike (70 minutes).
Sunday: Swim (60 minutes), weights.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Next Week's Schedule.

Monday: Short run (35 minutes).
Tuesday: Rest day!
Wednesday morning: Long run (58 minutes).
Thursday afternoon: Short bike (70 minutes).
Friday morning: Swim (60 minutes).
Saturday: Rest day!
Sunday: Long bike (117 minutes).


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ice Day!

Forget the snow. Forget the ice storm. I woke up this morning at 6 a.m. ready and able to throw on my gym clothes and head to the YMCA for a nice long run. Then I looked outside.

Well, so much for that.

It seems the plows had forgotten all about our neighborhood this morning. The speedy service we saw not one week ago, the last time we got even a remote dusting of snow, was certainly absent today. I knew I'd be asking for trouble by getting out into the mess -- before daylight, at that -- and driving down a busy road all Florida-girl style. (Incidentally, my dear husband did get into an accident this morning on his way to work, so I feel vindicated in going back to bed. No, he's not hurt. Yes, the car's fine. Yes, the stone wall he slid into is fine.)

And so I've used up both rest days, just like that -- one planned for yesterday, the other a casualty of icy roads. That's OK. I'll just go tomorrow morning and then bike on Friday. Snow or no snow.

Be careful, y'all!


Friday, February 09, 2007

Next Week's Schedule.

Monday morning: Short run (32 minutes).
Tuesday: Rest day!
Wednesday morning: Long run (53 minutes).
Thursday evening: Short bike (64 minutes).
Friday: Rest day!
Saturday afternoon: Long bike (107 minutes).
Sunday afternoon: Swim (60 minutes).


So Much for Immunity.

Well, this week has been less-than-stellar in the training department. I've felt ill for half a week -- the other half I've spent training -- and so still have two bike rides and a swim to get in. In two days. So something will have to go -- probably the long ride, since it's much too cold and icy to ride outside anyway, and I don't feel like spending an hour and a half on the stationary. (Is that so wrong?)

But the good news is, I'm on the mend. I really do feel better -- a little stuffy in the head, and a soreish throat in the morning, but other than that no big whoop. So tomorrow it's back into training. Sunday, too. And then on into the next week.

I'm getting ready to put my schedule together for next week, speaking of. I think this time around I'll be more specific about WHEN in the day I'll be training -- it will help me mentally plan for it. We'll see how it goes!

Have a good weekend, all.


Monday, February 05, 2007

This Week's Schedule.

I'm sick today, so none of this sounds like any fun. But let us go forth.

Monday: Makeup swim (46 minutes).
Tuesday: Swim (60 minutes).
Wednesday: Short bike (58 minutes), weights.
Thursday: Makeup run (29 minutes) OR rest day.
Friday: Rest day!
Saturday: Long run (48 minutes), weights.
Sunday: Long bike (97 minutes).


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Two Miles!

It's all in the pacing.

Last night, for the first time in my life, I ran on the elliptical trainer. And do you know that I ran two miles at a nine-minute-mile pace without dying? (I was going to write "without breaking a sweat" but felt that was perhaps a bit too much hyperbole.) Do you also know that it was enjoyable, the way running should be?

Do you also know that I'll be doing it again tonight? I left last night's workout feeling like I was walking -- or running :) -- on air. I cannot wait to feel that same sensation tonight.

So why was I able to run two miles last night, when for weeks I'd been struggling to meet that same goal and failing each and every time?

As I said a few grafs ago, it's all in the pacing. When I run outdoors or on the track, Lord knows what pace I'm going at. Judging by my nine-minute pace last night, I am SURE I'm running at six minutes for one half-mile and then getting tired and slowing down to 12 minutes on the next. I have no consistency, and it's killing my running. It's breaking my stride. And, worse, it's lowering my spirit.

I suppose it's time to start looking at a pacing watch. Better start saving my pennies! But in the meantime, since it's icy and cold and ugly outside, the elliptical and I will be spending lots of time together. And you know what? I don't mind. In fact, I can't wait for the end of the workday so I can get back downstairs to it.

That is all.
