This Week's Schedule.
Monday: Rest day, weights.
Tuesday: Run (3 miles).
Wednesday: Run (5 miles), weights.
Thursday: Run (3 miles), swim (Swimplan workout).
Friday: Rest day, weights.
Saturday: Run (7 miles).
Sunday: Bike (long ride).
Monday: Rest day, weights.
Monday: Rest day, weights.
Monday: Rest day, weights.
So, in the interest of both training for a marathon and letting my toe heal up (on which subject, by the way, I feel compelled to comment: Why does a strip of bone no bigger than one inch long take so long to repair itself?), I have decided to take to the pool and do a little running there. All of my favorite running websites have condoned this course of action as simply another form of running, a la the treadmill, and I was looking forward to giving it a try.
Well, last week was a wash, save for two miles midweek on my sad old toe. Pinky is feeling a little better this week, so far, so I'm going to try to hit the ground running again as though I'm actually, you know, TRAINING FOR A MARATHON. For a change of pace. :)
So I kicked my husband on the way home from a Nationals game. These things happen.